F.A.Q. - ACS EndpointLock
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ACS EndpointLock
ACS ProtectID
ACS EndpointLock Mobile
Windows Support
Driver Warnings
I received a “EndpointLock keyboard driver is not responding” warning.
EndpointLock constantly verifies that its kernel driver is secure. Under some conditions, legitimate Windows programs might block this verification. If you type 10 characters and EndpointLock cannot verify, it will issue this warning.
The recommended solution is to reboot. If that is not practical, “warm restart” your computer by closing the Internet browser and exiting the “Desktop Protection” (the “shield” in the notification area [system tray] on bottom right of your screen). Then go to Start | Programs | EndpointLock and restart “Desktop”. If warm restart does not help, try to reboot.
The most common repair is to uninstall EndpointLock, reboot, then reinstall EndpointLock, making sure that the installation is free of warnings. Reboot after installation. If the problem continues, contact info@tritiumusa.com.
When I started my computer, I received a warning that an untrusted driver was detected.
EndpointLock™ uses the Windows driver signatures to be certain that your kernel is intact. If this message is reported for a Microsoft driver like “i8042prt.sys” for Windows 7, the issue is likely due to Microsoft update KB3004394. Copy and paste http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3024777 into the address bar of this browser for more information.
Otherwise, a disk error or software error (not connected in any way to EndpointLock™) has damaged the Windows catalogs. In this case see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc734083.aspx.
If the driver is not a Microsoft driver, it is either an old, unsigned driver (contact the device vendor for a current, signed driver), or a rogue driver that should be removed before using the computer for sensitive operations.
Driver Warning for \Driver\i8042prt or \Driver\kbdhid on Windows XP
Usually indicates that Windows Crypto service has been disabled in some way. The Microsoft Crytographic Services are important for protecting your computer security.
The “Resolution” section of the following Microsoft article has the steps that usually help to resolve the problem with cryptographic services which causes EndpointLock™ to warn about \drivers\i8042prt.
Driver Warning for \Driver\DKbFltr on computers with Windows 7 64-bit
Check your computer for the following conditions:
In the folder [C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\] the file “DKbFltr.sys” shows 0kb in size.
In the 64-bit folder [C:\WINDOWS\sysWOW64\drivers\], there is a “DKbFltr.sys” and its size is ~25kb, and it is properly signed (view its properties)
If this is the case, delete the 0kb file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\DKbFltr.sys and the EndpointLock™ Status will return to normal. Acer laptops with Windows 7 64-bit are likely to have this problem.
Driver Warning for an unsigned driver from a valid source
Check your computer for the following conditions:
In the folder [C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\] the file “DKbFltr.sys” shows 0kb in size.
In the 64-bit folder [C:\WINDOWS\sysWOW64\drivers\], there is a “DKbFltr.sys” and its size is ~25kb, and it is properly signed (view its properties)
If this is the case, delete the 0kb file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\DKbFltr.sys and the EndpointLock™ Status will return to normal. Acer laptops with Windows 7 64-bit are likely to have this problem.
Driver Warning for an unknown driver and unknown source
Find the driver file in %systemroot%\system32\drivers (usually with a “.sys” suffix. e.g. \Driver\Ps2 = Ps2.sys), scan it with your anti-virus program and research it on the internet with sites like Virus Total.